Think Before You Act! Check Out 3 Things To Consider Before Starting An Office Romance - welcome to BIEH'S XCLUSIVE


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Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Think Before You Act! Check Out 3 Things To Consider Before Starting An Office Romance


Illustrative photoAs much as so many people will tell you that office romance or having an affair/relationship with a colleague is absolute; many people still engage in this form of relationship. In fact, a good number of successful relationships, leading to marriage, started inan office space or while on a contract job.Whether this form of relationship is wrong, right or will ruin career opportunities, it is up to the two people involved and the following;1. Company policyOne of the first things you need to find out is whether your company has a policy against relationship among its employees. It is the most important factor. While there is nothing wrong with falling in love with a colleague, whether junior, senior or same level staff, everything could be wrong if the company’s policy is against it.2. Being able to separate work from romanceThis is where the problem begins because we have toomany people who are not bad people but are not ready to earn their pay, diligently. It becomes a problem whenone person feels he or she can escape work or be lackadaisical on their job.Having an affair makes people do what they would not do at work. So before you settle into having that office romance, try as much as possible to have conversations with your intended partner and to know how they view their work and what their values and career goals are.3. MaturityIs your partner matured enough to know unsettled quarrel should never be brought into the workplace? Can your intended partner separate work from emotions? The relationship squabble has got to stay outside to avoid being unproductive and leading to reasons to be sacked.Office romance is never for the faint hearted. There may be rough times or even break up. Think about times like this and ask yourself if you can withstand the heat before giving it a chance. It may or may not be worth it.***
Source: The Guardian

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